Pitch Deck Tuesday: 10Six

This week on Pitch Deck Tuesday, Aleberry is showing some love to one of the awesome companies we worked with in SURGE 3, 10Six.

The pitch deck was designed to be an overview presentation that was sent to potential investors & clients. We started out with a pretty standard paragraphs-of-text on white background PowerPoint created by the founders. The goal was to visually explain the pretty complicated concept of the grid & its current problems, and of course end with why 10Six was the perfect solution for this.

Check out the deck! We’ll show off the SURGE Day 10Six presentation shortly!

10Six Overview Pitch Deck


Aleberry Creative, LLC

“10Six is a software company that developed quantitative trading algorithms for aggregating and operating battery energy storage.The company was part of the SURGE accelerator class of 2014.The company sold to Aerea Digital Energy Resources in the Fall of 2014.

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