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Fundraising & Decks

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Fundraising 101: Bae, You Got Competition
Fundraising Tip: Bae, You Got Competition.
Pitch Deck Cover Slide: Pulmotech
Pitch Deck: a clean MedTech cover slide for Pulmotech. Put a mini-phrase/tagline on the cover so people investors/potential clients know what to expect.
SRECon 2018: Conference Presentation Design Before & After
Mum always says: don't go on stage looking like a fool! Ok, maybe she doesn't - but she probably tells you dress to impress for any important career event. The same holds true for conferences and pitches
Kickstarting the VC Fundraising Process
Let's face it; fundraising sucks when it's your first time (and pretty much every time). Picking an investor is like signing a lease with a significant other.
Term Sheet Negotiations
This 53-minute video, uploaded by Stanford Graduate School of Business, highlights the key points of an example negotiation between a VC and an entrepreneur.
We’ve been squatting on this URL for over a year. Finally turned it into our first Aleberry Side-Op. More ops coming soon.
“The Best Way to Email a VC or CVC When Seeking Funding” - Andrew Romans, Rubicon Venture Capital
Good advice in bullet-form for our clients from Andrew Romans of Rubicon Venture Capital.
Pitch Deck Tuesday: Aleberry’s talk on “Perceived Legitimacy: Fundraising Strategy”
Aleberry’s recent talk on the concept of Perceived Legitimacy during the fundraising process. The deck focuses on the importance of design to look the part & deck variations. This presentation accompanied other talks on specific pitch deck content.​​
Aleberry’s Weekly Reading: “Pitch the way VCs think: Presenting powerpoint with emotion” - Khosla Ventures
Khosla’s presentation integrates “bad examples” - most of which resemble the decks initially sent to us by clients - with basic rules VCs want to see. His advice includes many of Aleberry’s Startup Pitch Deck Rules that we reiterate to our clients:
Startup Pitch and Q&A with Houston Startup: ExpertKnowledge
ExpertKnowledge pitched in front of the local startup community and mentors at Houston's Startup Demo Day, a monthly startup showcase hosted by START,
Link Love:
This site is the startup & tech version of “I saw [insert Top 40 band name] 3 years ago in a small club before they were big.”
Pitch Deck Tuesday: Project Insiders
Aleberry was fortunate to have one of our awesome clients accepted into SURGE 3 last year. Project Insiders is a Houston-based O&G SaaS-based platform that provides sales intelligence on large capital investment projects.
Pitch Deck Tuesday: 10Six
The pitch deck was designed to be an overview presentation that was sent to potential investors & clients. We started out with a pretty standard paragraphs-of-text on white background PowerPoint created by the founders.
Pitch Deck Tuesday: Radiant UV
This week we want to showcase a startup taking engineering to another level: Radiant UV.
Pitch Deck Tuesday: Medical Informatics
We’re fortunate to work with one of these leaders, Medical Informatics, a software healthcare startup “Saving Lives, Bit by Bit."
Pitch Deck Tuesday: AMS & Energizing Health
This week we want to showcase two sectors making big technology waves in this awesome city of Houston, TX: Energy & Healthcare. In the past few years, we’ve seen some amazing startups come out of Houston’s accelerators, hospitals, and universities.
Pitch Deck Tuesday: BeautyNow & Village Innovators
Aleberry Creative is excited to announce our new blog series, “Pitch Deck Tuesday”, where we will showcase a couple pitch decks we designed and helped strategize.
“Wrapping up SURGE Class 3: SURGE DAY 2014” - via SURGE Accelerator
SURGE Accelerator & Class 3 Companies have been an amazing client & partner. We’re so excited to see our “kids” grow up and present tomorrow!